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Saturday, 04 February 2017 09:22

Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde Series ~ Libra/the 7th House


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Libra/the 7th House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 7 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.


To see more about the energies of Venus retrograde in the birth chart, see my blog “Wonderful Attributes of Venus Retrograde in the Birth Chart”.

All retrogrades bring a “reconsideration” or other words that start with the prefix “re” in the matters of the sign and house the planet is transiting through.  Retrogrades bring a focus inward and to the past as it relates to the present and future.  It is a time when going back over things is a prominent theme.  I always think of the Earthworm card from the Ted Andrew’s Animal Wise Tarot Card Deck  when it is retrograde time.  He talks about how the earthworm goes back over dirt making it fine and fertile soil.  It is this going back over things that  sets one up for fertile future experiences in the area of life being re-examined.

The retrograde transits bring planetary “opportunities” to strengthen weak links and set up stronger points of attraction for more enriching experiences.  Often these “opportunities” come through some form of crisis, as they are often neglected for a long time and in a big way so Spirit needs to bring awareness in a way that sticks.

It is very important to note that although reexamination of major issues is common and indicated at this time, actually MAKING LIFE-CHANGING DECISIONS is not.  More information will come throughout the transit so to take one moments insight and take action on it would likely be premature, as the retrograde promises we aren’t necessarily seeing clearly or all angles of an issue, especially on topics of love, beauty, and money.

Assessing, researching, working in the backdrop, experimenting without long commitment for things with low stakes, and in general “staying the course” during the revaluation is usually what is best indicated.


Venus Retrograde through Aries/1st House

Venus retrograde in Taurus/2nd House 

Venus retrograde in Gemini/3rd House 

Venus Retrograde in Cancer/4th House 

Venus Retrograde through Leo/5th House 

Venus Retrograde through Virgo/6th House 


 Venus Retrograde through Libra/7th House:


Venus rules Libra/the 7th house so like the transit through Taurus/the 2nd house this placement can carry more oomph.

Questioning/addressing issues in/restoring magic of relationships is one of the number one ways energy manifest during this transit.  Another is opportunities coming from personal and business relationships from the past.


Doubt will be cast on many relationships during this time and also there is a great chance for wonderful things to be restored from past experiences or people.


As people come in from the past, it is ok to “dance” with the potentials but it is better to do so in a way that is “trying things on” rather than a long-term commitment if possible, leaving intact a return to the “pre-dance” situation.


Some questions you can proactively address during or that may naturally come up during Venus retrograde through Libra/the 7th house:


In what ways do I perceive my current relationship (of any kind) as helping me on my highest path? serving to hinder me on my highest path? 


Are my perceptions correct or am I projecting my internal issues on the person/relationship?


How can I shift out of my negative patterns in relationship?


How can I create win-win relationships?


How can I be better heard in relationship?  better hear others I am in relationship with?


What patterns are present in this relationship that have been with me ever since I can remember?  Am I willing to see that I am the common denominator in all of my relationships so that blaming the other won’t get me very far in correcting the pattern?


What contacts from my past might be helpful to my visions?


What people from my past am I feeling drawn to reconnect with?


What do I really want?  What do I need to do to be able to communicate my needs and desires?


Summary/Resources for Venus retrograde in Libra/7th House:


~ Individual and couples counseling is a GREAT way to use this energy.  


~ Doing things to help the magic return to current relationships.


~ Re-exploring previous relationships (without commitment - more like a trial period)


~ Returning back to play with things that were fun in the past.


A great affirmation for Venus retrograde in Libra/7th house: 


I choose to sharpen my listening skills (as it relates to self and others)



Venus Retrograde through Scorpio/8th House

Venus Retrograde through Sagittarius/9th House 

Venus Retrograde through Capricorn/10th House 

Venus Retrograde through Aquarius/11th House

Venus Retrograde through Pisces/12th House 



To see more about Transiting Venus retrograde through the signs and houses, check out:


~ My blog: “Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts”


~ My Youtube video: “Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts”


Check out monthly horoscopes for your sign on my Youtube channelwww.AnnieHelpsYouTV.com


When you sign up for my free email newsletter, you receive my monthly general astrology write-up for the month ahead. These are the transits that affect all signs and have important dates to note. 


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If you would love to be a Coach as your profession, and have an online business check out my Coach Certification and Online Business Course.

Copyright Annie Botticelli 2017