Welcome to Food Share Now - a Movement
For so many years I have walked extensively around places I have lived, marveling and lamenting at how many fruit and nut trees are laden with goodness, most of which was falling to the ground uneaten and rotting, while hungry people were in the vicinity and there was no way to link the two together for more sustainable outcomes. Many property owners who have fruit and nut trees are bothered by the clean up of the fallen bounty, while people who need food wish they had access to it.
Finally now, with amazing neighborhood apps like Nextdoor, we have a chance to start connecting food with people who can use it. My intention with Food Share Now is for it to be an inspiration for those who have these precious food sources to connect with people who need the food through volunteer "pickers" that could come when invited by the property owner and bring the items to places that accept food donations, such as churches and food banks.
I am aware now with with Covid19, some donation-based locations may not be available for this method of exchange so human resourcefulness appropriate to the location and situation will have to prevail on how to go about doing this safely.
For the property owner, here's how you can help:
1. Pick and box up fruit, nuts, vegetables, etc. from your trees, vines, and bushes and figure out how best to share.
2. Invite a friend, family member, or volunteer, or representative of an organization that accepts food, to do the picking and transfer. This can be done without even having to interact in person, maintaining social distancing guidelines and personal protection.
3. Plant trees for future participation in this movement.
4. Connect with others on this topic through social media and neighborhood apps.
For the passionate individual who wants to help, you can:
1. Volunteer to pick and distribute tree bounty.
2. Plant trees and bushes that grow sustainably in your area for future participation in this movement.
3. Step into a community leadership role by spearheading and organizing efforts on a grander scale. I have personally created Facebook groups in the two places I live. Sedona Food Share Now and Venice Food Share Now (Florida). I hold the vision that inspired people worldwide will create online hubs like these in their areas.
This movement can be expanded in many ways!
~ Learning and sharing about safe and wild growing edibles
~ Growing food plants in excess of personal need and giving the plants to others
~ Sharing free resources on sustainable living and gardening
~ and whatever else you can think of!
I am open to your ideas to add to my sharing, we are stronger together!
I will be sharing this idea extensively through my online and local communities and I hope you do the same!
My hope is that this idea inspires you to help in whatever ways you can and are drawn to!
Here's to building our new systems, solid, sustainable, and heart-centered,
Annie Botticelli
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