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Maximizing Personal Planet Retrogrades (for Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrogrades)

by Annie Botticelli


I always liken the energy of a personal planet being retrograde as the time when the ‘tide rolls in’.  If you are trying to push your boat out to sea when the tide is coming in, the odds of your desired outcome are limited as there are forces of nature working against you.  However, there are things that are even more favored during a retrograde that you can focus on to best use the energy and make the transit more smooth, enjoyable, and productive.


Here are some examples of what I love this time for:

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Aries/the 1st House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 1 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Taurus/the 2nd House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 2 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog

Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Gemini/the 3rd House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 3 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Cancer/the 4th House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 4 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Leo/the 5th House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 5 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Virgo/the 6th House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 6 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Libra/the 7th House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 7 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog


Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Scorpio/the 8th House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life: 1. Money 2. Love and 3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 8 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog

Your Definitive Guide to Venus Retrograde through the Signs and Houses - Sagittarius/the 9th House ...

The planet Venus is also called the Triple Goddess because it rules three distinct areas of life:
1. Money
2. Love and
3. Beauty/Aesthetics

Every 18 months or so, Venus will appear to be going backwards in its orbit, which is called a “retrograde”.  The potential lessons and other manifestations for a retrograde can have some different expressions than when a planet is moving direct.

This is part 9 of a 12-blog series that covers extensively the potentials of Venus moving retrograde through the signs and houses.

Published in "Annie Helps You" Blog
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