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Monday, 15 January 2018 14:54

Powerful Full Moon in Leo Reveal & Release Ceremony

Powerful Full Moon in Leo Reveal & Release Ceremony

by Annie Botticelli

Ceremonies during astrological power periods help us to make the most of the potentials of the event.  Full Moons often brings things to fruition or fulfillment, marking important endings. Sometimes the Full Moon brings things out of hiding and into the light so secrets and other hidden things can often be brought into the open at this time.  Blocks to desired outcomes can often be revealed and point to steps to take to fulfill the goal.

We can use ceremony including elements (like earth, air, water, or fire), affirmations, visualization, written and spoken word to help us maximize the power of each Full Moon.  When we align our ceremony around the energies of the sign of each Full Moon, we help to amp up our conscious work with them.


For the Full Moon in Leo, any element can be used in the ceremony but since it is a fire sign, doing work with fire or flame or just visualizing fire or flame can be very productive.


Writing down, saying out loud, and visualizing each intention if it has already come true will strengthen the energy.

I call the ceremony “Reveal & Release” because when we focus on releasing blocks to certain outcomes often certain things have to be revealed to us in our journey as part of the path to reaching the desired outcomeOften these things are so deeply hidden that we can’t get at them or don’t even know they are there so when we give thanks for the release of blocks to what we want, staying open to have important information be revealed to us could be an important part of the process.


Here are some examples of powerful Full Moon in Leo Reveal & Release phrases to work with during this time:


I am so grateful that I have cleared all blocks to my creativity


~  I am so grateful that I have cleared all blocks to having children (or issues with child-rearing)


I am so grateful that I have released old karmic patterns showing up in my romantic relationships


I am so grateful that I have released old karmic patterns showing up in my relationship with my (or other) children


I am so grateful that any tendency for unserving seeking approval has been lifted from me


I am so grateful that I have released all blocks to feeling passion in my relationships, creativity, and in any other area of my life


~  I am so grateful that all blocks to having extra time, money, resources that allow me to be generous with others have been released


I am so grateful that any blocks to having fun and bringing fun to my work have been released (and that any relevant insights or resources to make this happen have been revealed)


I am so grateful that any challenges to having regular and rewarding vacations have been lifted


~ I am so grateful that any blocks that stood between me and my next level of leadership and being seen have been lifted


Some other Leo-related topics that you can do Reveal & Release Ceremony around are:


~ Stamina & Follow-through


~ Excessive Self-Centeredness


~ Extravagance (either too much or the lack of and desire for)


~ Issues with Back, Spine, Heart, Inflammation


~ Exhaustion


To deepen your understanding of what each sign rules, I love New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller


Even though we are talking about Full Moons, her book teaches about what each sign rules so you can tweak your ceremony to be about releasing and creating culminations in the areas represented by each sign.


Check out in-depth monthly horoscopes for your sign on my Youtube channel: www.AnnieHelpsYouTV.com and fun, shorter summaries of monthly astrology by sign (plus great reads for each sign, each month) at:



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