Super Soak 4 with lids off


After a startling awakening to the crazy and toxic ingredients in even 'natural' and 'organic' body care products 15 years ago, I started making products for myself, friends, and family.  I created one product in particular that was so effective it inspired me to create a company based on it, Consciousness Blossoms (now a division of Annie Helps You, LLC), along with the passion to educate others about the importance of saavy label reading and meticulous atttention to WHAT we put on our bodies and HOW we approach body care.  

I offered Super Soak (plus Body Awareness Oil and some others) at local Farmer's Markets in the Sedona, Arizona area where I lived for many years.  The high vibe and health consciousness of the town, as well as the inundation with chem trails that we experienced regularly, made detoxifying a top priority.

I created Super Soak to help with detoxification & relaxation.  Life gives us so many reasons to need help with regular detoxification.  Even a perfectly healthy liver easily gets overloaded with the burden of daily detoxification, and also genetic testing is showing us that an estimated almost 1/2 of people have genetic liver mutations that interfere with proper detoxificaton by the liver.

I can't make any claims about what my Super Soak will do for you but I can share the many things that the powerful ingredients in Super Soak are known to do:

~ Provide minerals such as Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, & Selenium. 

Absorbing nutrients through the skin means the minerals go right into the bloodstream, bypassing the the digestive tract that can interfere with the absorption.

 ~ Assist with relaxation and de-stressing

~ Aid sleep, especially when done soon before bedtime

~ Exfoliate and deep clean skin, making the eliminatory function of the skin easily from the shedding of dead skin cells that could interfere with the proper process

~ Maintain protective skin barrier while holding in hydration

~ Stimulate circulation

~ Energetic Clearing of Etheric Bodies and other layers of aura

~ Clear sinuses and aid respiration (from inhaling steam from bath)

~ Help dispel bloating

~ Sooth and heal bug bites 

~ Draw out blisters, cysts, splinters, etc. from below the top skin layers


I love to have a ritual of sipping herbal tea or herb-infused water while in the tub.  Use your intuition and your personal medical and other circumstances to choose the perfect temperature for your bath,  I usually recommend body temperature or no more than slightly above it.  Warm water helps to dissolve the salts and aids in relaxation and can avoid the heat stress that very hot baths could cause.

Always consult your doctor, your own body knowing and intuition, and research about using this product.  There are situations that could not be indicated for baths, detoxification, or additional magnesium absorption, such as pregnancy, heart conditions, excess UTI's to name a few. 

I also charge the ingredients on Sacred Geometry, infuse chants and positive intentions for self-love in the product while making it :)  

All good if you don't have a bath tub or like to take baths, you can still get the detoxification effects from doing a foot bath using a regular bucket :)


Your order contains four individual soaks in 8 oz. glass jars (that are great for reuse for anything :) ) Done once weekly this is a 1-month supply :)


Order now :) $23 for four soaks

plus $7.25 2-3 day shipping to anywhere in U.S.






 I send shipments out once or twice a week so depending on when your order comes through in my cycle, so there could be a few additional days or so to the 2-3 day time frame for you to receive shipment:)

It is my intention to inspire individuals and the whole beauty market to shift from focusing on "fixing flaws" to HONORING the BODY TEMPLE.  When we hear a cry of our skin, hair, or any other area needing support, we can offer it what it needs without judgement and with deep self-love and nurturing. 

Your partner in your blossoming consciousness,


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