Thank you for your payment!  I am excited to assist you. Please send me the following information and best answer these questions to help me assess whether my service is a match for what you are hoping for to better direct our time when we move forward to scheduling. I will contact you to schedule our appointment soon!

Note in the form below it asks for DATE and then MONTH rather than the other way around.  Just a heads-up to avoid errors :)


  1. First and Last Name(*)
    Invalid Input
  2. What is your birthday?(*)
    / / Invalid Input
  3. Time and place you were you born(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. What's your current location? City, State, Country(*)
    Invalid Input
  5. Phone number or Skype name(*)
    Invalid Input
  6. Email(*)
    Invalid Input
  7. Appointment Availability ( best days and times )(*)
    Invalid Input
  8. What kind of work do you do? Do you love it? If not, what would you love to do?(*)
    Invalid Input
  9. Are you in a relationship? Are you happy in it? What are your relationship aspirations?(*)
    Invalid Input
  10. How is your health? Do you have any symptoms/diagnoses?(*)
    Invalid Input
  11. Do you have children? if not, do you want to? How is your relationship with the ones you have?(*)
    Invalid Input
  12. What are you hoping to receive from our time together?
    Invalid Input
  13. Any other brief notes you would like to mention? Or any questions for me?
    Invalid Input
  14. Confirmation that you have read all the details about the live 1-hour session and believe it is a match for what you are looking for.(*)
    Invalid Input

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